Friday 27 January 2012

The Book of Leviticus

We decided to do a thriller movie for our AS media coursework. We had a variety of choices however some were lacking key features for production; therefore, we chose our fourth idea following the murders of sacrilegious people whom the vicar believed committed immoral sins and so he took the liberty of punishing them accordingly. We felt this would be the best idea to do as we believed the storyline was effective in several ways and we could get involved to perform to the best of our ability.

The Book of Leviticus would begin with our production titles naming our company before fading out into an establishing master shot of a church whilst an organ plays as the congregation exit after the evening service. A forward track is used to approach the doors as the organ abruptly stops and the door will open and a vicar and female leaves. A dissolve of her walking would occur to show the transaction of her outfit from day to night as she becomes a lady of the night. As this transition occurs the ambient sounds of her heels will change into the sound of crunching twigs and forest creature sounds. A horizontal tracking, side viewed showing the vicar walking late at night. An over the shoulder shot is used to illustrate the vicar noticing and identifying his daughter dressed provatively, in an unsafe environment, with money held in her hand. Father Goodman would begin to follow his daughter slowly as suspicious, incidental music plays. A high angle would show the proxemics between them as she walks into the forest with him following. A point of view will show him grabbing her arms as she turns to face him and realises he is her father. A black out occurs before the scene changes. Ambient sounds of nature are heard as we witness a jogger in the forest in the early hours. They notice a laying body down and a scream is heard before a cut to emergency services sirens and the flashing lights upon the screen.

Title screen appears where we will have the image of the pages within the book magnified and focused in on a certain quotes before the book closes to show the title of the book.

After the title screens we will cut to the police station where the officers will be discussing the incidents of further killings which have happened similarly to Addison Goodman's murder case. We cut to the knock of a door before the vicar opens where the police reveal his daughters murder. The vicar acts shocked before the police come in and describe the case to him. We cut to a service where the vicar is present looking at the congregation. One by one certain members would disappear from the shot, this is implying him killing them off, one by one. A funeral of one of his victims is shown as he comforts their family members - the officers are present and confront him silently about the last sighting of his most recent victim, whom was last seen in the church before their body was found. He becomes aggravated and aggressive towards the officers as they are beginning to suspect him and figure the case out. The officers are seen within the station with their evidence against him, and the proof of his crimes. They leave to arrest him. Upon arrival they see him fall and is pronounced dead. They take the vicars body to the morgue however when they return to do an autopsy his body is missing. We cut to him walking down a street at night as the
titles come up.

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