Thursday 26 January 2012

Researching Genres Through A Questionnaire

Lauren, Daniel and I combined our thoughts to create an initial idea for our 2 minute opening sequence for a horror, thriller or rom-com movie. We devised a questionnaire in the attempt to find out what audiences prefer these genres of movies to include. We brought our results together and created pie charts for each of our questions to view the audience’s favourites and then compared them with the overall statistics from to make our final decision for the genre we are going to use.

Our opening question was a multiple choice between which genre of movies they prefer and why they are attracted more to this genre. We also asked why they prefer this specific genre over the others, to understand what makes them biased towards enjoyment for their chosen genre.

After this we asked their favourite movies within these genres to see specifically which type of plot the audiences prefer within the vast genre choices. This question would help with us devising our own storyline which appeals to the majority.

Question three was their associations with their preferred genre. Answers to this were quite simple yet gave us a deeper insight into the simplicity of the escapism they desire from watching films like this.

Our fourth question was which colour schemes they expect on the title screen to help promote the genre of movie they are viewing.

We asked which music they assume will be heard at the beginning of their chosen favourite genre so that we can live up to these expectations whilst taking on our 2 minute opening sequence.

After this we interrogated them about what attracts them to watch movies so that we can include them to ensure our opening sequence is enjoyed by audience when they view it.

To help with which incidental music we will play at the beginning of our own production of the opening of a movie, we decided asking which music was expected was a crucial element to making our production blend in well with the style of chosen genre we choose to work within.

Question six was us asking what attracts you most to the specific genre you enjoy more than the others - this was so we could try and incorporate these elements, if possible, into our opening two minute production so that if it were a full movie we would have an engaged audience.

After noticing actors and actress' attracted some of the audiences we wanted to know which typical characters they expected the actors and actress' to play.

After knowing all of this we needed to know which location these performers would be acting the movie so we used the locations the audiences expect to find this out. The results here were fairly consistent as the majority picked a specific place with one or two fluctuations and differing opinions.

We decided we needed to know which type of opening the audiences preferred to see, regardless of the genre they prefer. This will help our group decide which opening we would like to incorporate into our piece so that it has the most effective opening possible.

One final thing we thought we needed to include was which props we would use within our piece for each style of genre. We asked the people who were most likely to watch the style of movie to tell us what they expect within the movie which will be quite prominent so we could try and include it.

We gathered our results up and made pie charts to show our results better and within specific groups per genre.

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