Tuesday 28 February 2012

New Script

Outside the Goodman household as a voice over

Mary: Are you enjoying your banana?

Abigail: Yes.

Mary: Daddy will be home soon.

Inside the Goodman's kitchen

Addison: I'm staying out tonight, don't wait up.

Clare: Where are you going?

Addison: Just to Catherine's, you know from choir, we're going to catch up on some coursework.

Clare: Don't be late for tomorrow.

Addision: I'd never miss one of father's services.

Clare: Okay. See you later.

The Girls: Goodbye Addision.

Addison: Goodbye girls.

Abigail: Where's daddy?

Mary: He's at church.

Car scene with the customer

John: Here you go, sweetheart.

New Characters

Name: John Jones
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Occupation: Unknown
Appearance/ Costume: Casual clothing
Characteristics: Lonely, perverted and wealthy

Name: Abigail Goodman
Age: 3
Gender: Female
Occupation: Nursery Attendee
Appearance/ Costume: Casual clothing, very girly
Characteristics: Nice, cheeky, kind, funny and naive

Name: Mary Goodman
Age: 7
Gender: Female
Occupation: Primary School Student
Appearance/ Costume: Casual clothing, very girly, nothing revealing
Characteristics: Polite, vulnerable, caring, practicing, catholic and cleaver

Name: Clare Goodman
Age: 39
Gender: Female
Occupation: Full time mother
Appearance/ Costume: Casual clothing
Characteristics: Loyal, very trusting somewhat naive because of this, supportive and compassionate

Name: James Soaft
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Occupation: Peering man
Appearance/ Costume: Casual dark clothing, longish black hair
Characteristics: Mysterious and quiet

Name: Nicole Stanford
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Occupation: Jogger
Appearance/ Costume: Jogging clothes; tracksuit bottoms, zip up, hair tied
Characteristics: Athletic, weary and caring

New Film Locations

The first location the audience see in The Book of Leviticus is a house; the home of the protagonist and her family. The house is shown as an establishing shot then it is zoomed into the kitchen where there is conversation between her family. We decided to film here as it was a good family home style which also had a clear pathway so our protagonist and antagonist could leave the home and walk on a pathway which flowed into the dissolve in the next scene. The image of the house is shown to the right however when filming these cars are not here so the set is more clear.

The second scene is the park where she is paid by her client for her night work, she is also murdered minutes after by a masked character, and she lays there dead until found in the morning. We chose this location as it had this patch of grass and trees where the body could be laid. It also had plenty of space and we felt the location was near us all. As well the park has an un-busy road next to it and this was the ideal position where the girl could be paid and then the client to leave.

As the opening is only two minutes including titles we could not film at many places as it would take too much time and it would mean the shots would have to either be very short or go over the time limit. Therefore we decided to stick to two locations; the home and park.

New Cast

As the story has changed slightly we had to find new actors for our opening on a short notice. The Stokes household are members of Lauren Mcmanus family and were very polite in helping us due to the struggle we was in. Alex Farrell is a friend who is an aspiring actor and has done minor appearances in Sherlock Holmes 2: A Game of Shadows and Harry Potter and the Harry Potter the Deathly Hallows. Daniel Lindsay is a member of our group and offered to step in as well as myself as the jogger.

Charlotte Batey: Still plays Addision Goodman.

Daniel Lindsay: Peering Man

Marie Stokes: Clare Goodman, mother of Addision and two children and married to Father Goodman. She is casually dressed and is shown in the kitchen.

Ellie and Ruby Stokes: Mary and Abigail Goodman, little children, girls, casually dressed and sister of Addision Goodman

Alex Farrell: Client of Addision and pays her for her night's work.

Kiran Paul: Jogger; on a jog in the morning and sees the body in the trees

Changes to Film Opening

Due to our antagonist; Father Sheenan unable to fulfill his role in our film we had to change our initial idea slightly. We felt that instead of changing our entire story-line we would tweak it so that our shots that we had already filmed would not go to waste, this sudden change has had an impact on me and my other team members as it means we had to come up with an alternative idea and go through with that. We have decided we would keep the idea however show her father in another religious way. Therefore we came up with the idea that instead of being at a church with the father, it would be at the home with the family and the father would not be there, when at the park/ forest a random person would be seen looking at Addison and it would suggest that it could be her father as it was not at home when she left, this way it does not give it away easily.

Instead of the church we would use the family home and a zoom in would be used from an establishing master shot into the kitchen window. A shot reverse shot is used between Addision and her mother when in conversation about Addision staying at a friends. After this dialogue two point of view shots are used showing her saying goodbye to her two younger siblings. Addision leaves the home where a horizontal track is used to follow her down the street where it would dissolve into her walking into the park as previously mentioned in our original idea. When the night's money is exchanged through the client's window the customer would drive away and a figure would be shown standing by a lamppost watching Addison whom then walks away. At this point the grab would happen and we do not know if it was her father or the suspicious peeping man who murdered Addision, so it leaves the viewers to watch the film after the opening titles.

The story continues by having police officers and inspectors looking at the dead body; the body that the runner identified dead. The inspectors would look for DNA and many of these shots would be shown at the police station, it would be time consuming to look for the murderer due to the many customers she had been with that night. Her parents become aware of her activites, however her father appears very shocked and disturbed by hearing the news.   

Saturday 11 February 2012

Studio Logo

During our lesson we discussed characteristics of film studio logos, we then looked at similarities between the ranges and it helped to design our own. We analysed logos such as Paramount, Columbia, Disney and Dreamworks, whilst looking at these me, Daniel and Lauren notified that they tended to all have an image behind the text, the main text was bigger than the word 'pictures' or 'productions' as well as all the writing font was bold. Doing this helped to design our logo as we took into considerations most film logos have.

To make our opening of our film more professional we were told to design a studio logo which will be the first thing shown in the opening video. Me, Daniel and Lauren decided to draw ideas before creating it on the Mac software. We tried to link our surnames to get an idea however we have very long names which did not fit together, We then started to think about studio names in relation to films, we came up with the idea ‘Camline’; this related to cameras due to having the 'cam' at the start. Dan started to doodle and drew an eye; we decided to put the ‘Camline Productions’ text in the eye. However as we thought about it more ‘Camline’ did not fit with its drawing but as we liked the drawing a lot we decided to come up with a new name, that is how we came up with the name ‘Blind Side Productions’.

‘Blind Side Productions’ means what the audience cannot see. We felt if we linked our studio name to the genre of films we are producing it would be more effective. As our genre of films is thriller they are usually associated with mystery so as it is what you cannot see we felt the image of the eye and the title worked together very well. At first we was going to a white eye to relate with the name but the images we tried to find were not as effective as a green eye we found. We liked the colour scheme of grey and green and we used white writing so it would stand out. ‘Productions’ is in a different colour to the studio name as when we did it in white the colour scheme did not work together. I am very pleased with our studio logo as it looks very professional and I like the meaning behind it.

The Book of Leviticus Film Locations

The first location the audience see in The Book of Leviticus is a church; St Pauls in Dosthill. We have decided to film here as it is a good location where the high angle could be used and the path was great for the antagonist and protagonist to walk away. Next to the church is a path which is similar to the one in the Dosthill park, this helped to make the two shots flow into one another. It was very beneficial as the church was nearby our second scene.

The second scene is the park where she is paid by her client for her night work, her dad identifies her and she is murdered minutes after by a masked character and she lays there dead until found in the morning. We chose this location as it had this patch of grass and trees where the body could be laid. It also had plenty of space and we felt the location was near us all. As well the park has an un-busy road next to it and this was the ideal position where the girl could be paid and then the client to leave.

We are not filming at Tamworth Police Station we need the location for filming the sirens once the jogger has called the services. We decided to film here as it fits well with our genre

purpose and it would be good to use the resources we have available.

As the opening is only two minutes including titles we could not film at many places as it would take too much time and it would mean the shots would have to either be very short or go over the time limit. Therefore we decided to stick to two locations; the home and park.

Thursday 2 February 2012

Production Schedule

When will you film? Time, date etc.

Where will you first? Locating and setting.

Who will you film? Actors required.

Who will you film? Which aspects/ scenes of your storyboard will you film?

How will you film? What camera angle, shot sequences framing do you require.

Equipment that you will require including video equipment costumes and props.

Friday 3rd February


Dosthill Park Road

Addision Goodman and guy

Shots 7, 8, 9 and 10.

Long shot, horizontal tracking, two shot, close up and match on action.



Saturday 18th February


Dosthill Park

Addision Goodman and Father Goodman

Shots 11, 12 and 13

Over the shoulder shot, pans, extreme long shot and point of view.


Sunday 19th February


St Pauls Church

Addision Goodman and Father Goodman

Shots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and half of 7

Establishing shot, two shot, shot reverse shot, medium close up and pans.


Role Allocation and Casting

Within our group we decided that we would all write the story-line together due to our individual ideas of how our initial plot should progress. We decided that we would all contribute into each different role within the production, however a certain person would have a more prominent position within the roles.

I was chosen as a camera person as during our college promotion video I think I showed exceptional skills behind the camera and wanted to develop them further - my group members also said I would be the most reliable in regards of producing acceptable shots rather than ones which need to keep being re-shot.

Daniel was chosen as the main editor due to having skills in creating seamless editing between each shot; he showed us that through his editing of previous tasks and he also has a hobby of editing his own videos.

Lauren was chosen as the director because she has good leadership skills and can control stressful situations in a calm manner. She also has a good overview of the narrative due to it being her original idea which was developed by the me and Daniel.

For our casting we only needed one main actress and and six minor characters. Addision Goodman, played by Charlotte Beatly is the protagonist she has the main role at the start as the thriller film is based on her, the two children, mother, 'client' and murderer are minor characters as they only have a short amount of dialogue and they are not in the shots for a long amount of time. We felt that we would get other people than ourselves to act in the opening film as we are not as skilled in acting than we are producing, so we came to a decision if we asked friends and family to act it would look more professional.

Charlotte Batey: Protagonist; Addision Goodman, two outfits; one for the home; innocent looking and a provocative dressed

Father Sheerer: Antagonist, Father Goodman; priest cloak and cross necklace.

Our Storyboard

The Book of Leviticus- The Script

In our opening thriller film, we decided to have some speech so that the audience could have an understanding of what is happening in the scene. Only three people speak in clip, this is in shot 3,4,5 and 8.

Shot 3/4/5

Addison Goodman: “The service was very interesting father.”

Father Goodman: “I’m glad you enjoyed it, will you be home tonight?”

Addision Goodman: “No, I told mom I was staying at Julies, I will be home by tomorrow morning.”

Shot 8

Mysterious Man: “Here you go sweetheart”