Thursday 2 February 2012

Role Allocation and Casting

Within our group we decided that we would all write the story-line together due to our individual ideas of how our initial plot should progress. We decided that we would all contribute into each different role within the production, however a certain person would have a more prominent position within the roles.

I was chosen as a camera person as during our college promotion video I think I showed exceptional skills behind the camera and wanted to develop them further - my group members also said I would be the most reliable in regards of producing acceptable shots rather than ones which need to keep being re-shot.

Daniel was chosen as the main editor due to having skills in creating seamless editing between each shot; he showed us that through his editing of previous tasks and he also has a hobby of editing his own videos.

Lauren was chosen as the director because she has good leadership skills and can control stressful situations in a calm manner. She also has a good overview of the narrative due to it being her original idea which was developed by the me and Daniel.

For our casting we only needed one main actress and and six minor characters. Addision Goodman, played by Charlotte Beatly is the protagonist she has the main role at the start as the thriller film is based on her, the two children, mother, 'client' and murderer are minor characters as they only have a short amount of dialogue and they are not in the shots for a long amount of time. We felt that we would get other people than ourselves to act in the opening film as we are not as skilled in acting than we are producing, so we came to a decision if we asked friends and family to act it would look more professional.

Charlotte Batey: Protagonist; Addision Goodman, two outfits; one for the home; innocent looking and a provocative dressed

Father Sheerer: Antagonist, Father Goodman; priest cloak and cross necklace.

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